I have problems running fbi without sudo. As user pi running
fbi -noverbose -nocomments -T 7 -1 -t 10 test.jpg
fbi -noverbose -nocomments -T 1 -1 -t 10 test.jpg
I get an error /dev/tty7: Permission denied.
tty1 and tty7 belong to group tty.
crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 7 huhti 13 07:01 tty7
I have added user pi to groups tty and video.
sudo usermod -a -G tty pi
sudo usermod -a -G video pi
crw-rw---- 1 root tty
. Now theres no error but nothing is displayed. fb0 has also read and write permissions.sudo fbi -noverbose -nocomments -T 7 -1 -t 10 test.jpg