I have a Picademy parts kit (12 of them, actually) from Newark/Element 14. These kits have an immersible temperature probe that I conjecture is based on a DS18B20. However, there's no documentation. The leads are brown, yellow, and blue. If it's really a DS18B20, then the three leads are V+, data, and GND, but I can't tell which is which.
Does anyone know what this is, and which lead is which? Thanks!
Edit: I did send a request to Newark's tech support. They replied promptly, saying they had sent my inquiry on to the supplier. 2018-08-22: I got a reply from Newark confirming that the probe contains a DS18B20, but still no info on lead colors.
Another edit: After getting the answer from both Newark and my colleague, I've written this stuff up with more detail than I can easily put here. Beware: this applies only to the Picademy parts kit temperature probe. http://ksuweb.kennesaw.edu/faculty/rbrow211/raspberrypi/temp_probe/ (The link is probably good until I'm dead, after which it will be OK to comlpain about me.)