I have got a new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ model. I'm using Noobs package for Pi OS.
Now, I have the only laptop. So, after seeing some online tuts I'm thinking, can I configure WiFi in Pi via terminal. I've one WiFi router. I've seen that, in order to connect headlessly via Putty, I need to connect my Pi to the WiFi router. And that's by using Monitor and Keyboard. Like, Insert SD card in Pi and after attaching Keyboard and mouse and HDMI monitor to Pi, just power the Pi.
After it boots up, we went to configuration setting and enables SSH and VNC ( if I need it later). And from WiFi settings connect the Pi to a router. And after connecting to WiFi, Open up the terminal and type ifconfig
and then in wlan0
section, we can see the IP address and we literally use it to access Pi via Putty from the remote computer.
Now, as I have know Monitor or Keyboard available, Is there any way I can connect my Raspberry Pi to my WiFi router and get the IP address to access Pi via Putty from the remote computer.