I have a script that starts iceweasel with a certain webpage if iceweasel is not already running. It should start iceweasel on the local screen, in other words the screen plugged directly into the Raspberry Pi. The Pi is running Raspbian Stretch lastest update.
A cron job (see code below) runs every minute to check if iceweasel is running. I know the script is running but the browser does not appear on the screen. I can see from pgrep that iceweasel has a running process but can't be found anywhere. Cron is run from regular user pi.
* * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /home/pi/netcheck.sh &
After a lot of research I am still stuck and have no clue how to fix it. I have read several solutions here and on other forums but haven't found anything even close to a solution.
Several Raspberry Pi with older versions of Raspbian works without problem.
Any help would be appreciated.