Lets start with i'm a complete novice.
Pi Zero W: Used as a water level detector with the 3.3v and 3 GPIO pins soldered with some wires, that are spaced and attached to a pole, the 3.3v at the bottom and as the water increases/decreases it connects/disconnects the pins, which sends an alert with NotifymyDevice, runs on loop, as soon as the water level changes it sends an alert
Arduino Uno: Used as an Auto Feeder Has a 5v mini water pump, a moisture sensor, 5v relay, every hour the arduino checks the sensor and if the moisture level is low, turns on the pump for 1.5 seconds,
Wanted Outcome: When the feeder checks the moisture and if it has changed send a signal to the Pi which in turn sends a signal to NofitymyDevice, is it possible to connect the pi and arduino with a few connectors to get this done, if so could someone point me in the right direction, thanks