I'm new to the CM3+ module, but I've worked extensively with other RPi products.
I'm currently trying to implement my own FT5336 driver, but I'm having some slight problems, as the "Gesture" register address always returns 0.
I'm not the only person with that problem, as I've noticed that other people have had problems with this exact touch controller as well. It has been suggested that I contact the manufacturer, but they require information about the business and their direct contact information probably isn't meant for troubleshooting or support. At first I thought that I was doing something wrong and was supposed to write/send a command to the chip before reading the gesture, but after looking at other drivers, all they do is read.
Now I'm not sure if this is even the correct place to post this, if it isn't please let me know, so I can move it somewhere else.
My setup:
- CM3+
- Wondershare Compute Module IO Board Plus
- Capacitive touch screen with FT5336 controller connected over DSI and I2C(-11?) (pins 28 and 29)