I'm facing the same issue for a long time. But I use a trick to WOL my Raspberry Pi's (I use several RPi's in the museum where I work).
I tackled the issue using an inexpensive ethernet power relay.
Here is my trick:
I connect an ETH002 board (from Devantech) to the network. Power of the RPi is connected through the output NC (Normally Closed) of a relay.
As the relay is normally closed, when main power is switched ON, both systems start up.
When I send a "sudo halt" command to the RPi, this goes off.
To wake it again, I send the following command to the relays board (assuming the Relay 1 is in use):
//deactivate relay 1
PacketSender\PacketSender.exe -txw 500 IPaddress 17494 "21 01 00"
// wait some seconds...
//reactivate relay 1
PacketSender\PacketSender.exe -txw 500 IPaddress 17494 "20 01 00"
where IPaddress is the IP address of the relays board and port 17494 by default.
-- PacketSender is a very good freeware, Thanks to the developer --
Doing so, I completely switch off the RPi and power it on again.
e.g when there is an evening event in the museum. Looks like WOL.
That 's it! Et voila!
Regards to all,