I am using a raspberry Pi B+ rev1.2 with a 1024x600 7inch HDMI touchscreen and I'm having trouble getting the touchscreen to work
So first of I installed waveshareLCDDriver, runned sudo ./LCD7-1024x600-show and got an Unable to connect to X server : connection refused error when launching startx. After looking at the logs, i've fixed it by installing fbturbo https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-fbturbo/wiki/Installation and now my GUI work.
Then I do apt-get install xinput-calibrator and run sudo DISPLAY=:0 xinput_calibrator --output-filename /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf. But I end up with baddly calibrated touchscreen axis: When I drag my finger left and right the cursor moves up and down and when I drag my finger up and down, the cursor goes left and right.
So I tried editing 99-calibration.conf, changing the values of the SwapXY, InvertX, InvertY and rebooting but didn't work
I tried changing the Identity Matrix of the Coordinate Transformation Matrix to [0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1] to swap my X axis and Y axis and it kinda work. Now I have a X axis working, i can move my finger right and left and the cursor follows but when I move my finger up, cursor goes down and when I move my finger down cursor goes up...
What should I try now ?