I have some experience with Arduino but never used Raspberry Pi.
I'm looking for the best way to show my sensors data via RPi. What I would want to do is:
Arduino to read sensor data and send it to RPi via serial.
RPi to get the data, process, and show it in a TV/Monitor.
I have some idea of all the steps but the last, and I wonder how would be the best way to show the data in the RPi?
I mean, I know I can show it in the console, but I would want to do some basic interface. Colors, font sizes, but not many more.
Which could be the best way to make this?
I'm thinking in a Python program to read the Arduino/Serial data, and show it, but I don't know which library could I use.
The languages I have some experience with are Python, C#, and maybe Javascript.
Would be some of this a good choice?