I've been working a couple of days on this issue. I need to set a stream up that streams audio and video (doesn't matter if I need to open separate connections for it, as long as it works) from the webcam that is connected to the Raspberry Pi. Now the video was easily solvable by using motion, but I'd rather use VLC for this. Now I have been looking into raspivid, but that only gives me errors about not being able to create certain folders and that there is nothing to play.
Another thing I tried was using FFmpeg. Executing something like this:
ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 1 -i hw:1 -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://
only tells me that the version is deprecated and that 'alsa' is an unknown input..
Does anyone know how to either solve these problems, or a different/better way to reach my goal? Like I said, I don't mind opening 2 VLCs with one for audio and the other for video, as long as I get it working I'm fine.
EDIT: I changed the ffmpeg command to an avconv command, it does do something now, but returns a Connection Refused 111 error, haven't found a way to solve this yet