I am trying to set up an IRC server with services on my Raspberry Pi. I googled around and decided on using hybrid-ircd for the server and hybserv for the services (nickserv, chanserv, etc.).
So far, I have managed to set up a functioning bare bones server, and I installed and configured hybserv. The problem is that I cannot get hybserv to work with hybrid. On XChat I get:
*** Notice -- Link [[email protected]] introduced server with bogus server ID
and using sudo tail -f /var/log/ircd/hybserv.log
I get:
Sun Mar 6 17:15:20 2016 Connecting to[] tcp/6667
Sun Mar 6 17:15:20 2016 Connected to tcp/6667
Sun Mar 6 17:15:20 2016 Server Error: Bogus server ID introduced
Sun Mar 6 17:15:20 2016 Server Error: Closing Link: localhost (Bogus server ID introduced)
I have searched all round and found nothing on this exact error and nothing to fix it. I have done a reinstall of hybserv and it did not help.
Here is my connect{}
block in /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf
connect {
/* name: the name of the server */
name = "irc.example.net";
/* host: the host or IP address to connect to. If a hostname is used it
* must match the reverse DNS of the server.
host = "";
/* Passwords: the passwords we send (OLD C:) and accept (OLD N:).
* The remote server will have these passwords reversed.
send_password = "password";
accept_password = "password";
/* compressed: controls whether traffic is compressed via ziplinks.
* By default this is disabled
compressed = no;
And here is my /etc/hybserv/hybserv.conf
A:Debian User <[email protected]>
N:irc.example.net:Hybrid services
At this point I am completely stumped as to how to fix this.
I am doing this on a Raspberry Pi (B+).
I am using 2016-02-26-raspbian-jessie
, hybrid-1:8.2.0+dfsg.1-2+deb8u1
, and Hybserv2 TS services version 1.9.5-release
I used this tutorial.