I'm wondering, does raspberry has the possibility to run two instances?

With two instances i mean, two separated os's, so i can output to two tvs and have one raspberry controlling my whole media center.

Is there any possibility?


Well, what i'm planning in my head. I have two tvs which i want to connect to a raspberry pi to stream media through the local network. I want when one tv is using the raspberry pi, the other tv would be able to access it too using xbmc, twitch, youtube etc.

Any ideias?

  • Do you want to run both OS's at once on a single PI? If so this is highly unlikely to be possible. Perhaps explaining more about what you are trying to do would allow us to give you better answers. Commented Sep 12, 2016 at 23:23
  • @SteveRobillard ive edited to give you guys a better perspective to what i would like to do.
    – PlayMa256
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 1:30

1 Answer 1


You need at least two pis. Each only has one HDMI port and can only run one os/display at a time.

You effectively have three entities, the media server and two displays/thin clients. Raspberry pis can act as either a media server or a thin client (or both at once). So you can connect one pi to one display, have it run as a media server and client to that display and have the other pi connect to the first over the network and act just as a client.

XBMC can act as both a server and client, so you just need to get a second pi connected to the second display to connect to the first one. Note however that the pi is not very fast at network/disk access and streaming two streams over it might prove too much for it. If you find performance to be a problem you can setup a central media server (on low end hardware, possibly with more disk space) to act as the media server (with XBMC) and the two pis to just act as clients.

  • Infact i have my pc acting as a server which has a folder shared thorugh the NAT. Ok, so i will need two pis. Thanks.
    – PlayMa256
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 13:47

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