I'm thinking of building myself a small media center using a RasPi, but 2 USB ports doesn't seem enough to me. So I will need a USB Hub. I still don't know exactly what devices will be plugged on it (right now I'm thinking a WiFi dongle, an IR receiver for a remote, and an external HDD), but just to be safe, the hub will be powered.
The thing is, I don't have a lot of wall plugs near my TV, and all of them are currently used. So I was wondering if it's possible to power the USB hub via USB, using a "Mains to dual USB" plug like this one or similar. They output 5v, and a maximum 2.1A intensity, which should be enough for both the RasPi and the Hub.
Any advice or help on this ?
Thanks a lot !
EDIT : Just adding more info :
- The link I gave is an example of the type of product I want to use. I still haven't bought anything. When/if I buy it, it will be a higher-end product, with less risk for my RasPi
- I wish to build a small, non-invasive solution, with the fewest cable. If this idea is viable, I will use heat-shrink tubing (or another cable management technique) on the 2 power cables (RasPi and hub), so they appear as one