Hi I have followed this guide https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-security-camera/ and setup a multi camera surveillance system using my pi a few usb cameras and 3 ip cameras.
I would like to access my pis webpage from my iphone over the internet when I am far from home. I would like my connection to be encrypted and safe from eavesdropping.
After some research I found that using a ssh tunnel would be the best way, I have found this guide https://charlesreid1.com/wiki/RaspberryPi/SSH_Stunnel but am confused to how the whole tunnel works?
Do I install stunnel on the motionpi? So its the "command and control server" the guide talks about or do i setup this command and control server on another system?
Any help with explanation of how ssh tunnels work and how to get the desired setup running is greatly appreciated.