I have a Rasperry Pi 1 Model A. I want to use it on a hobby project that will require me to have lots of dev/test cycles where I:
- Write some code in a higher-level language (Scala; but could be anything like Python, etc.); then
- Deploy the executable (which runs as a daemon service at startup) and an OS like Ubuntu Server to some memory/drive device; then
- Power on the Raspberry Pi (which in turn starts the OS/startup service on the device); then
- Test functionality; then
- Rinse and repeat
I'm wondering what my options are regarding the memory/drive. Cheaper is better, but I would prefer 4GB at minimum (1GB for OS, 1 for JVM and 2+ GB for service/executable/app), but could live with just 2.
This is my first Raspberry Pi project so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with options. I'm also unsure of whether I will need to re-deploy the Ubuntu OS to the memory/drive on each dev/test cycle or if there's a way to install the OS one time and then just deploy new service/executable versions on each iteration.
Thanks in advance for any-and-all help!