I'm trying to use an IR sensor with Raspberry Pi and I have this function to read a specific channel from the ADC MCP3008. When I try to read any other channel but channel 0, it doesn't work. What I mean is, if I call the function to read the channel 2, I can only get the accurate distance from channel 0. Other channels give me gibberish. The problem isn't from the ADC because I have another code that doesn't use SPI and I can read from any channel, I just don't use it because I can only get measurements from lower distances.
PS.: I deleted my last post because I asked the wrong question.
int ADC_analogRead(int channel){
int dataADC = 0;
int handlerSpi = 0;
char buffer[3]; //bytes to read and send from/to ADC
if (channel > 7 || channel < 0)
return -1;
handlerSpi = spiOpen(0, 100000, 0); // opens SPI channel 0 at 100 kbps, in mode 0
/* MCU Transmitted Data - page 21 figure 6-1 from datasheet */
buffer[0] = 1; // Start bit
buffer[1] = 128 + channel; // SGL/Diff + Channel to read
buffer[2] = 0; // Don't care
cout << "buffer[1]: " << (unsigned int)buffer[1] << "\n";
spiXfer(handlerSpi, buffer, buffer, 3); // This function sends 3 bytes to ADC from variable buffer and after sending, it read 3 bytes to buffer variable
/* MCU Received Data */
/* buffer[0] -> don't cares
buffer[1] -> first 5 bits are don't cares, 6 bit is null bit and 7/8 are data
buffer[2] -> all data bits
dataADC = (((buffer[1] & 3) << 8) | buffer[2]); // binary math to read 10 bits ADC data
return dataADC;}