How do I know if the system has boot up?
If you have Raspian installed, the first moment you give power to the Raspberry the ACT led will blink green and you'll see the startup process on your monitor
How can I ssh into the PI, I mean how do I actually connect to it to my network & get its IP address?
There are multiple ways to do this but I will tell you the most useful one in my case:
- You can wait for the raspberry to boot up, connect it either through Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable, open a terminal on your raspberry and type
and if it's connected correctly you'll see your raspberry's IP address to which you'll connect through SSH.
- You can login into your router interface and look for the raspberry's IP from there
Open up a terminal window on your computer now and just type ssh <user>@<raspberryIP>
If I'm not mistaken, the first time Raspian boots up will set the user to pi, so in this case you would type something like ssh [email protected]
You'll need to type yes when your computer first connects to it and then you'll be required to insert your raspberry login password.
That's it!
How do I use my laptop as a monitor for the PI
Not every computer is able to do this since a computer is not meant to act like an external monitor and their HDMI port is only intended to output data and not receive input data.
First make sure that your computer is able to do that, which in most cases it's not. Otherwise you should directly connect it and your pc should ask you what action to perform in that case.