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1 answer

Writing bash script to reboot pi 10 times and log output

I have written a Python script and scheduled it to run @reboot using cronjob. Sometimes this script throws an exception sometimes it works perfectly. I want to write test scripts for this. Preferably, ...
Osama Khalid's user avatar
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2 answers

Cronjob not executing when raspberry pi reboots

The following is the Python script that I want to execute every time Raspberry Pi reboots. When I run this Python script directly from the terminal it works. Not only does IP gets stored in the file ...
Osama Khalid's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Problem with crontab -e. Does not saving photos using autorun

Does not save photos using auto-launch in crontab. I use Python 3 or raspistill, they work well for photos when a monitor is connected. #!/usr/bin/python3 # BEFORE USING THIS SCRIPT. # ...
Albertas T.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python script refuses to start automatically

I have a python script (taken from the forums here) that reboots my RPI when a button is pressed. It works great, no issues, except that it refuses to start automatically (either on boot, login, ...
lukenm's user avatar
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How to clear the screen and auto-mount device on startup?

I have a Raspberry Pi connected to my TV, which I use to read videos stored on an external hard drive. I have 2 commands that I run everytime the Raspberry Pi reboots: This one, to clear the prompt ...
David Willis's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What's different about a crontab reboot?

I have a python script to log data from a USB weather station and present it via a flask front end. The USB on the pi (Pi2 model B) is flaky and occasionally hangs after 24-48 hours. The flask app ...
Steve Foster's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Python script run from crontab does not recognize USB drive mounted later

I am having a bit of a problem here, I really hope some of you can point me in the right direction: I made a python3 program running a loop and checking if the file /DATALOGGER/DATALOGUSB/ ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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1 answer

Crontab not wrote into schedule after reboot and always restore to a specific time

I have a tiny computer, raspberry. It's a good computer. Recently, I got a problem when it run crontab and the problem is as this title. Otherwise, the system is always to restore. After editing ...
jefferyear's user avatar