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2 answers

Can't get Cron to run python script

I'm trying to set up porkbun dynamic dns python script to run at reboot via Cron (later I'd like to run it hourly, but baby steps...) following porkbun's tutorial
APEX's user avatar
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Crontab does not work

I am trying to run either at boot or at intervals of 5 min (everytime basically) a command that enables me to use my remote control. Thus sudo crontab -e -u root, I add in crontab the following line: *...
Alessio_110's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't run python script on startup. Raspberry Pi 4

I am trying to run a python script when my Raspberry pi 4 boots. THis python script works when I run it directly, with no errors. I have edited the crontab file to do this as can be seen below: # ...
Lyra Orwell's user avatar
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Python script refuses to start automatically

I have a python script (taken from the forums here) that reboots my RPI when a button is pressed. It works great, no issues, except that it refuses to start automatically (either on boot, login, ...
lukenm's user avatar
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Cron job won't run bash script [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a cron job that will run at the beginning of every hour on raspbian My script is as follows: #!/bin/bash timeout 150s chromium-browser
A.Collins's user avatar
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Raspberry pi, streamer + crontab + dropbox = catCamera, does not work!

I wrote a bash script that uses the dropbox app as per RaspiTV. I am using a standard USB webcam and streamer to capture videos of my cat when I am away from home with the hope that these can be ...
dearN's user avatar
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why my script is not executed with root privileges using Crontab?

I have a working bash script and I want to run this script every minute with root privileges using crontab. I created my crontab as follows. >sudo crontab -e Then the file opened and I entered my ...
ThN's user avatar
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Running shell script in cron

I am using ubuntu in rapsberry pi 2. I want my script to be ran after I login because it is a GUI program. I have tried to edit /etc/profile and it runs the program before enter the desktop so it ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 answer

Why crontab choose to execute one of the command over other?

So, basically I am using wiringPI library and its sample code for ds1302 chip. It works great by the way - writing and reading to and from ds1302 chip is a breeze. I can initiate PI's date and time ...
ThN's user avatar
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2 answers

Transfering mp3 files from a remote server to the RPi via cronjob without overwriting [closed]

I succeded in transfering files via ftp from a remote server to a raspberry, #!/bin/bash -vx ftp -in IP_SERVER<<END_SCRIPT quote USER rem_user quote PASS rem_pass bin prompt:off cd /...
angelfmf's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How do I add a task to Crontab

I am making a program for the Raspberry Pi to use, as part of its installation, it need to add a task to crontab so that it will run on bootup. I know if I type in crontab -e then add the line "@...
user5062278's user avatar
2 votes
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How to run a script on LXDE startup in Wheezy?

I have two scripts, which is the main script I am trying to run (simply a slideshow using feh). And which just calls using os.system("<path ...
drewd423's user avatar
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3 answers

script runs at terminal - but not in cron

I'm logged in as user pi via SSH and have a wifi checking script in the following directry: /usr/src/scripts/ When i enter the command /usr/src/scripts/ ...
reggie's user avatar
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