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How can I go back from static IP to dynamic IP?

In the past, I set a static IP to my Raspberry Pi 3. Now, I want to use it to other purpose and the subnet has changed. I don't remember how I set it to static. I have looked some questions but no one ...
Developing Electronics's user avatar
0 votes
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Use static or Dynamic IP based on GPIO Pin

I have a switch on my PI and I want to be able to use a static ip or dynamic ip based on the switches position. Is it possible to get GPIO pin data in dhcpcd.conf?
user2570937's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to have fallback to dynamic IP when static IP fails?

I have a headless raspberry pi zero. It is configured to be connected to home network and my mobile hotspot (Android phone). When I am home, I would like it to get a static IP, where I know I can ...
Saren Tasciyan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

dhcpcd fallback in reverse

I need the following action in my Raspberry Pi 3. When the pi boot, it will try to use static IP (which already configured) on an Ethernet interface. If it fails, then it will get an IP from the DHCP ...
Black Glix's user avatar