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New AI camera not working on 3 Model B+ and Zero 2

I have been following the official instructions on the latest 32-bit OS: PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="12" VERSION=&...
peacer's user avatar
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Raspberry pi camera module 3 works only on libcamera

I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 3b+ and Camera module v3. After days of troubleshooting, I got the camera to spit out images on the libcamera CLI. But, I can't create a picamera.PiCamera object in ...
N3RDIUM's user avatar
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Can I run two python script using the same pi camera in raspberry pi?

I am currently working on a project where I need to have a live stream video and a motion detection that when a motion is detected, records a 10 second video. I have put each functionality in ...
Neelkanth Mawood's user avatar
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RPi Camera starts going white

I bought a RPi Camera V2 from amazon yesterday and when I tested it today it started going white and then flashing colors like a disco party (rave starts 8 seconds in):
Lord Heffe's user avatar
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Is raspberry able to retrieve/store some n time prior a trigger with multiple cameras?

I came across a project idea which I think would demand a lot from a raspberry pi and arduino hardware capabilities. From my understanding, a master raspberry could be used to trigger n slaves through ...
J. Bringas's user avatar
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Opencv VideoCapture much faster than PiCamera

I am trying to process frames from my V2 RPI Camera at high framerates and am stuck with the picamera module. The VideoCapture class from OpenCV seems to be much faster than using PiCamera....
Camill Trüeb's user avatar
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Send camera video via 3.5mm TV output to video transmitter (5.8GHz)

I have got a Raspberry pi 3 b+, a simple camera connected to it, and a pair of video transmitter and receiver. What I want to do is to send the video signal (the video recorded by the camera) to the 3....
Lorenzo Villani's user avatar
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Picam and USB serial comms issue

Are there any known issues with serial comms & the Picam module? When I have a serial channel open (over USB) & write to it whilst viewing the input from a Picam on screen, the view port will ...
DrBwts's user avatar
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PI NOIR Camera Not Working

I recently bought a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a Pi Noir Camera and attempted to set them up. I followed the install instructions on the Pi website for the board and camera, and unfortunately received an ...
user94448's user avatar