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C++: Linking failing on Pi 1 B+ for class members, but the same code compiles on Ubuntu

Let me start by saying that the reason I'm using this model is because this particular specimen old and relatively disposable, which is appropriate for my project. I have written myself a library and ...
mbza's user avatar
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C++ Long Double or equivalent on ARM64

I'm having a hard time getting a straight answer about long double precision on ARM64 architecture. I'm engineering a scientific machine requiring extreme precision, and the driver, which I will write ...
madscientist's user avatar
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Invalid string offset errors when compiling RaspiCam C++ Library

I am getting these warnings with the RaspiCam C++ library, and wondering if anyone has a fix for them? My program is also crashing and I'm wondering if it's related. /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/...
alana314's user avatar
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Installing a higiher version of GCC on Wheezy that doesn't rely on a newer glibc [closed]

We have software that we distributed to a bunch of Pis that have Raspian Wheezy. Recently, we've added in a bit of code that uses C++ standards that aren't integrated until >=gcc-4.8. If I compile on ...
Mikey A. Leonetti's user avatar
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How to setup a C++ virtual environment on the raspberry pi 3?

I am currently trying to install openCV on my raspberry pi 3 and found this very nice tutorial to help me with that:
thubostehu's user avatar
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g++ typedef strange behaviour

I am having trouble compiling some very simple C++ code on my Raspberry Pi B+. I wrote the following program in a file called test.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> /...
asonnino's user avatar
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How do you compile a c++ programs to use Hard Float in Raspberry using Debian OS?

How do you compile a c++ program to use Hard Float registers? It is said in the FAQ section of Raspbian that the following tags are the only ones required when compiling. -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -...
user123456098's user avatar