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  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
  • England, United Kingdom
Generate multiple waves with specific number steps in a cycle wave
@joan, Can give me a library or another method to can write GPIO under 1 microsecond using C or bare metal that you mentioned. Before that, This program has been written on Arduino mega2560 (using Timer 16Mhz) and it run well.
Frequency generated by pigpio library not correct
Actually, I don't know what do now. I tried many how as use I2C slow speed library, add core_freq=250 in /boot/config.txt, update as well as upgrade firmware and read many documents about timing bugs... Consequently, that all didn't improve for this. Besides that, when I tried to use "set_PWM_frequency" is that I got an accurate frequency of 40 kHz. In the other hand, if I generate by the wavePWM library, then it will be error
Frequency generated by pigpio library not correct
This programming quite important with me since It's my thesis. This September I must defend so I really sad. Can you give me a specific method to can resolve this problem? It seems to be stretched about 5 us for all case (For example if 40 kHz (T=25us) is that T got = 30 us).
Frequency generated by pigpio library not correct
If I change a new raspberry pi, this problem can be fixed?
Frequency generated by pigpio library not correct
@Ghanima, I have added code. Thanks Ghanima for your suggestion.
Frequency generated by pigpio library not correct
I tried to add core_freq=250 as you suggested but it seems not fixed. The frequency about 35.5 kHz (not 40khz as I want to). I using Raspi 2 mode B. and an Ethernet port via putty to control it. Whether that can the ethernet port lead to this problem? My Rasp was failed last week, so I formatted SD card and re-install Raspian for it. But before it worked quite well. Any recommend for me now? thanks Joan very much
Max frequency can created by wave function in pigpio library
USB logic Analyzer 100M max sample rate 16CH that can support for we library or sofware to us can verify depends on our goal use?
Max frequency can created by wave function in pigpio library
thanks @joan, I have generated with 1us sampling start successfullly. I have a question for you if I want start time have resolution about 0.5us is your new class can do thing? seem it only can generate to 1us is smallest?
How create phase delay between two square pulse
in your new class, it can create a start time have resolution to 1us? (Example I want start time for pulse on GPIO 1 is 2 and for GPIO 2 is 3 =>> phased delay between them is 1 us but it only dislay 5us) . I tried but picscope only display the min resolution is 5us with any phase delay between two pulses is a number not divisible by 5 as in figure:
How create phase delay between two square pulse
it like as create offset for a pulse
How create phase delay between two square pulse
I only want to pulse generated that only delay initial then still is pulse 40khz as figure in link: