I've been in the business for over 30 years. I started out of college and joined the Navy. Did my tour mostly on a submarine taking care of some of the navigation electronics gear. After 6 years in the Navy, I spent 17 years working for IBM. After that, I created several companies and worked for several others, gaining lots of experience with various languages just when C, C++, Delphi and Java were being introduced. I saw the advent of the IBM PC and had one when it first came out.
Prior to retiring from my last company, for which I worked for a total of 16 years, my specialty was to reverse engineer code. I used IDA Pro., Spices,DJ Java Decompiler, AndroChef and a host of other tools. My favorite binary editor is HxD. I'm somewhat proficient in using WireShark to debug Ethernet interfaces.
I was coding using Visual Studio C++ and C#. To code in Java I was using JCreator Pro. To build circuit boards I use KiCad or Eagle and use a shop in China to make boards. To create circuits, I use LTspice. I've just started to learn to code for Anroid.
As you can tell, I'm kind of an all around developer that can do just about anything if I put my mind to it.