I've made the classic 433mhz send/receive experiment, using cheap hardware on the same breadboard and same raspberry, I've wired both sender and receiver to VCC 5V, GND to GND and data to GPIO 27 (receiver) and 17 (sender). I used the 433Utils as software and Piscope to check th result. The first thing I've noticed is taht on Picope's channel 27 there is a continuos signal also if i don't use any sender, that's so weired for me (I'm a beginner). Then, I did enter the sendcode command only one time but the receiver console print 4 times the code, it is correct? More: on Piscope I see the sent code is repeated 10 times, why? I think this result is not correct, anyway I see something was sent and received, so I suppose the experiment did well.
The wave on channel 27 seems to be like the sent one, I post here the image, can someone tell me how to decode the signal received? Thanx
let you show more datas...