I am trying to install adafruit-circuitpython-mlx90640, a library for the MLX90640 thermal camera. When I run sudo pip install adafruit-circuitpython-mlx90640
I get an error that no matching distribution is found for Adafruit-Blinka
. So I tried to pip install Adafruit-Blinka
and get the same error: no matching distribution is found for Adafruit-Blinka
. Any ideas on how to get it to work?
One more thing that I have tried: The default version on my raspberry pi is 3.4. I have installed Berryconda, which is a version of Anaconda for the RPi. In Berryconda the Python version is 3.6 and pip (not pip3) works with it. Pip3 installs Adafruit-Blinka but it goes into python 3.4. I would like it to be installed into Python 3.6. I think if I were to point Pip3 to the Berryconda version of Python, my problem would be solved (but not sure).