I am new to the forums and Linux in general. I am currently running Debian Wheezy with the GUI enable. For administrative purposes and other related tasks, I want to discontinue the use of the default user account "pi". Additionally, I would like to autologin a newly create user to the GUI desktop.

I created a new user and enabled sudo rights via the sudo visudo command and I commented out the "pi" user account line.


I edited this file "/etc/inittab" to include the new user

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --autologin SomeUser --noclear tty1

I edited this file "/etc/passwd" and change the "pi" user to the new user. This change seems to prevent the GUI desktop from loading.

What am I doing wrong that is not allowing the newly created user to autologin to the GUI desktop?

  • I believe I figured this out. Reviewing the commands in this link linkshows that editing rc.local and adding the command su -l USERNAME -c start x Can someone explain why this works with respect to adding the "startx" command? I would have expected to see the "startx" command already in the rc.local file if I initially executed the raspi-config to enable the GUI
    – Jordan
    Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 13:58

4 Answers 4


I believe I figured this out. Reviewing the commands in this link shows that editing rc.local and adding the command su -l USERNAME -c start x

Can someone explain why this works with respect to adding the "startx" command? I would have expected to see the "startx" command already in the rc.local file if I initially executed the raspi-config to enable the GUI


Your question is rather confusing. If you are asking how to enable/disable GUI on logon execute sudo raspi-config where you will find a menu to set this.

  • Essentially, I want to stop using the default user account "pi" and use the new user account I created. Enabling the GUI from raspi-config automatically logs you onto the GUI using the "pi" account. How do I automatically logon to the GUI using the newly created account?
    – Jordan
    Commented Feb 14, 2014 at 23:21

Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Change autologin-user to the new user.

Restart X or reboot.


Paul Crabb's method of editing the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file works.

I used the raspi-config to enable automatically booting to the desktop with the PI user, then from terminal type: sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

find the line for autologin-user=pi and change pi to the desired username. ctrl+x to exit, Y to save.

reboot the pi. (sudo shutdown -r now) and it should boot into the desired user.

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