I try to use Motion on a Raspberry pi zero. worked fine, but using webcontrol I wanted to stop the raspberry when I motion was ended. I added this line to my motion.conf :

on_event_end /usr/sbin/poweroff

I tought than on_event_end was triggered by exit from motion.

In fact, each time I start my Raspberry, Motion starts and the on_event_end immediatly triggers the poweroff. I don't have time to open a ssh session and try to edit the file.

I tried to add init=/bin/bash in the cmdline.txt, adding a monitor and a keyboard, but the Pi starts with all files en read only mode, so I can't correct my config file.

Is there a solution, and in the worst case, is it possible to restart the Raspberry in its initial state (without any user files)

Thanks a lot for any help

*** I found a solution : starting pizero with the standard cmmdline.txt and a keyboard and screen, I had time enough to rename the motion.conf file before Motion started. Motion doesn't start because there whre no motion.conf, so I had time enough to remove the erroneous line. Tricky, as my AZERTY keyboard was used as QWERTY

  • See this answer for a possible solution.
    – user68186
    Commented Apr 11, 2022 at 16:05
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    – user68186
    Commented Apr 11, 2022 at 20:34


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