I would like my RPi to take a sequence of images and store them on my mac directly. My mac and RPi are connected via ethernet cable and I can ssh into my RPi via ssh [email protected]
. I installed the RPi camera and can already store photos on the RPi by e.g. using the following commands:
mkdir pictures
cd pictures
raspistill -o a%04d.jpg -t 3000 -tl 1000
This is indeed working as ls *.jpg
a001.jpg a0002.jpg a0003.jpg a0004.jpg
How can I do the same but store these directly on my mac? My mac ip address is
Update: I dont want to just transfer files between the RPi and my mac, I want to change the directory where raspistill stores the images to my mac. I was hopeing something like raspistill -o -a%04d.jpg
would work