So I'm using Raspbian to create a mobile GPS tracker. I wanted it to log data then safely shut down the pi when I was done. I figured I could just plug in my mini keyboard when I was done and click control-c to stop it. Well, everything worked according to plan, but I didn't have the forethought about when I'm done with my tests and need to use my pi again/get the data off of it. I chose to bypass the login and directly start running the script. So when I connected my pi to a display, I see it running the script as it's supposed to. The last line of the script says that on keyboard interrupt, run the shutdown -h now command through the os module. So, what I've done to myself is have it run a program that I can only get out of with keyboard interrupt and then when I use that automatically shut down the pi. So I can't stop this loop of running the script and shutting down to get back to normal operating conditions.
Any advice is appreciated.
The process I used to run on startup is from this webpage: