I would like to know, how to name the captured images with a sequence of numbers instead of its frame numbers by using Raspistill command and also could anyone suggest me the typical skipping frame pattern.
Since I need to capture and process each and every image simultaneously, I don't understand how to load the image if I don't know how its named.
This is the command to capture images with a time lapse of 5msec till 1second in burst mode
sudo raspistill -o img%d.jpg -w 640 -h 480 -tl 5 -t 1000 -bm
I tested this command for two times and I observed the following results
what I'm interested to get is :
img1.jpg , img2.jpg, img3.jpg ….etc
But what I'm getting is :
SAMPLE 1: img1.jpg, img144.jpg, img194.jpg, img243.jpg, img294.jpg, img344.jpg, img393.jpg, img443.jpg.........etc
SAMPLE 2: img1.jpg, img151.jpg, img200.jpg, img299.jpg, img349.jpg, img399.jpg, img449.jpg, img499.jpg, img548.jpg, img598.jpg, img649.jpg........etc
I couldn't find the exact similar frame pattern.
As in the Raspberry Raspistill camera documentation it mentions that :
“ -t 30000 -tl 2000 -o image%04d.jpg
will produce a capture every 2 seconds, over a total period of 30s, named image0001.jpg, image0002.jpg..image0015.jpg. Note that the %04d indicates a 4 digit number with leading zero's added to pad to the required number of digits. So, for example, %08d would result in an 8 digit number.
Source : https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/raspbian/applications/camera.md
But I 'm not able to get the image names with the sequence of numbers as they mentioned (such as img1.jpg,img2.jpg, img3.jpg, ....img20.jpg)
Though the documentation provides the “date,month,year & time stamp” features for naming the image files, I couldn't find it for the sequence naming.
I would really appreciate if someone could suggest me, how to modify the command to ensure that I get the name of the images in a sequence number order instead of its frame number. And also I would be glad to know the specific skipping frame pattern for the images captured.
If both the above options cannot be solved, I would request you to suggest me how to accomplish the following task. Actually I'm working on a project based on Real time image processing using Raspberrypi. Using the raspistill command with a specific time lapse and duration, I could capture 'n' (may be 10 or 20 images per second) images, later simultaneously I have to do simple image processing using CImg library and write the output data to a file.
But for image processing , I need to load and process all the images (using CImg library), since the image names are mentioned with a different frame numbers, its becoming a difficult job to load the images for processing Instantly.
I would love to know how can we resolve the above problem, but with the following conditions.
Please don't refer me to use Raspicam C++ API(it lacks some inbuilt features for my job) or V4L2 driver (difficult to understand and perform operations) or OpenCv (Since my Image processing task is a very simple one, just to detect a blink of LED) etc, since I tried out many options and none of the above platforms could not satisfy my project requirements and conditions.
If the above task could be performed by programming, it has to be either c or c++ but not python or Java (since processing performance matters !)
For more background information about this question, please refer to one of my posts in the following link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37013039/how-do-i-capture-and-process-each-and-every-frame-of-an-image-using-cimg-library
Thanks in advance.