I need to connect 6 ultrasonic sensors to one raspberry pi and all six sensors should take the distance measurement same time. I have written the code and made the thread also but only two sensors takes measurement and it is also random. Here is the code.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process
GPIO.setwarnings(False) # for disable warnings in terminal
# time for sensor to settle
MEASURE_INTERVAL_TIME = 0.1 # time delay to measure (min 15miliseconds)
# max distance threshold for sensors to react (in cm)
# Speed of sound at sea level = 343 m/s or 34300 cm/s
# list of sensors
sensors = []
# sensor1 with pin configuration
sensor1 = {'ID': 'sensor1', 'TRIG': 17, 'ECHO': 4, 'LED_PIN': 27 }
sensors.append(sensor1) # add to the list
# sensor2 with pin configuration
sensor2 = {'ID': 'sensor2', 'TRIG': 22, 'ECHO': 5, 'LED_PIN': 6 }
sensors.append(sensor2) # add to the list
# sensor3 with pin configuration
sensor3 = {'ID': 'sensor3', 'TRIG': 18, 'ECHO': 23, 'LED_PIN': 24 }
sensors.append(sensor3) # add to the list
# sensor4 with pin configuration
sensor4 = {'ID': 'sensor4', 'TRIG': 20, 'ECHO': 16, 'LED_PIN': 21 }
sensors.append(sensor4) # add to the list
def initPins():
if len(sensors) > 0:
for sensor in sensors:
#Sensor's echo pins shoud be in
GPIO.setup( sensor['ECHO'], GPIO.IN );
#Sensor's trig pins should be out
GPIO.setup( sensor['TRIG'], GPIO.OUT );
#Sensor's out_pin
GPIO.setup( sensor['LED_PIN'], GPIO.OUT );
GPIO.output( sensor['LED_PIN'], GPIO.LOW ); # Turn off in the begining
def turnOnLed(led_pin):
#Turn on led only if it is off for some safety mesures
if GPIO.input(led_pin) == GPIO.LOW:
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
def turnOffLed(led_pin):
#Turn off led only if it is ON for some safety mesures
if GPIO.input(led_pin) == GPIO.HIGH:
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
def measure(sensor):
print "Measurement started for " + sensor['ID'] + ", Ctrl+z to cancle the measurement";
while True:
GPIO.output( sensor['TRIG'], GPIO.LOW);
GPIO.output(sensor['TRIG'], GPIO.HIGH);
GPIO.output(sensor['TRIG'], GPIO.LOW);
while GPIO.input(sensor['ECHO']) == 0:
pulse_start = time.time();
while GPIO.input(sensor['ECHO']) == 1:
pulse_end = time.time();
pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start;
distance = pulse_duration * MEASURE_REFERENCE;
distanceRound = round(distance, 2);
if(distanceRound < MAX_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD):
print "Distance of sensor "+ sensor['ID'] + " : ", distanceRound, "cm";
def main():
if len(sensors) > 0:
for sensor in sensors:
Process(target=measure, args=(sensor, )).start()
if __name__ == '__main__':
I would really appreciate your help and thanks in advance.