Hi I am writing a python script to code the raspberry pi to read from the MCP3002 ADC. This is the code that I typed in onto the raspberry pi nano script
import spidev
import time
def readAnalog(device = 0,channel = 0):
assert device in (1, 0)
assert channel in (1, 0)
#open spi
spi = spidev.SpiDev()
spi.open(0, device)
Protocol start bit (S), sql/diff (D), odd/sign (C), MSBF (M)
Use leading zero for more stable clock cycle
0000 000S DCM0 0000 0000 0000
Sending 3 8bit packages so xpi.xfer2 will return the same amount.
start bit = 1
sql/diff = 1 SINGLE ENDED MODE (2 channel mode)
odd/sign = channel 0/1
MSBF = 0
command = [1, (2 + channel) << 6, 0]
#2 + channel shifted 6 to left
#10 or 11 << 6 = 1000 0000 or 1100 0000
reply = spi.xfer2(command)
Parse right bits from 24 bit package (3*8bit)
We need only data from last 2 bytes.
And there we can discard last two bits to get 10 bit value
as MCP3002 resolution is 10bits
Discard reply[0] byte and start from reply[1] where our data starts
value = reply[1] & 31
#31 = 0001 1111 with & operation makes sure that we have all data from XXXX DDDD and nothing more. 0001 is for signed in next operation.
value = value << 6 #Move to left to make room for next piece of data.
#000D DDDD << 6 = 0DDD DD00 0000
#Now we get the last of data from reply[2]
value = value + (reply[2] >> 2)
#Here we discard last to bits
#0DDD DD00 0000 + 00DD DDDD = 0DDD DDDD DDDD
return value
def main():
#read channel 0 on device 0
value = readAnalog(0, 0)
print value
if __name__ == "__main__":
but when I execute this code on the terminal it wouldn't work
All the connection that I have done are the same within this image, the only difference is I just have to substitute the potentiometer for the Infrared Distance Sensor
So what would be the right code for the raspberry pi to read from the MCP3002 ADC