I'm asking about either XBMC/Kodi or a C/Python media player software that utilizes omxplayer.
I have a dvd player in my car that supports HDMI out so I bought an Amazon firestick but if there's no wifi (and my phone isn't able to tether), the entire firestick is locked out. I can't even access media offline.
I plugged the raspberry pi zero w and kodi/raspbian works -- but I'm wondering if there is a way to switch out usb flash drives with movies to automount so I can play them using a game controller or IR remote..?
I don't need any RSS features or thumbnail extraction or scraping tools/fanarts/etc.. -- just a simple minimal gui with the option to auto-mount a usb drive.
I'm thinking of programming something using python and kivy/tkinter -- but I'd had to learn it. If there's a tv interface out there already - please do let me know. Or if there's a bare minimum kodi skin that won't freeze on me, that would be ideal.