I've been following along with the instructions on the Arch Linux Arm wiki.
The install itself went just fine, but in following the post-install suggestions on the Wiki tab, I got stuck at the watchdog section.
The kernel module was easy enough to figure out:
echo 'bcm2835_wdt' >> /etc/modules-load.d/raspberrypi.conf
But I'm not certain how to install the daemon. I know there's an AUR package, do I need to install that one, or am I missing something?
As per Toby's instructions I figured I'd try the least complicated way. After I had configured Yaourt (which I wanted anyway), I called it to install the AUR package. When it asked me to edit the PKGBUILD, I added armv7h
to the arch
line. Yaourt and GCC did the rest. Should work on previous Pi's as well.
The Pi apparently only supports a 15 second timeout (default is 60), so to get the minimum config, uncomment the watchdog-device
-line and add watchdog-timeout=15
(or less) on a separate line.
Finally, test it for a while before enabling it on startup, some people have complained about reboot loops.
So, thanks Toby, and may other people find this useful. Hopefully someone will finally update the Arch Arm wiki.