I have a program that I normally run as so:

sudo /home/pi/code/./main 12345

where 12345 is just a input. This code runs infinitely until I forcefully stop it.

However, I want my pi to do this automatically when turned on. It already automatically logs in so I tried to put the above line inside /etc/rc.local

unfortunately, when I restarted, the pi is stuck on the raspberry graphic(I'm in command line mode). Obviously this is from my program. What should I do so this program can run without obstructing everything else?

Luckily I had a backup so I can try again, but this time I'd like to do it right.

2 Answers 2


have you tried to add an ampersand to your command to allow it to run in the background?

sudo /home/pi/code/./main 12345 &
  • no, would that be obstructive even in the background?
    – mugetsu
    Commented Sep 9, 2013 at 23:43
  • unless you put an ampersand, your pi is stuck wherever you call you program from, until it's finished. please, try and see?
    – lenik
    Commented Sep 9, 2013 at 23:46
  • I just did, and the function no longer seems to be working. But, the boot problem is gone!
    – mugetsu
    Commented Sep 9, 2013 at 23:55
  • well, now you have to fix your program =)
    – lenik
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 0:42
  • 1
    sudo expects the password, that may be the reason it won't work from the batch file. use something like: $echo <password> | sudo -S <command>
    – lenik
    Commented Sep 10, 2013 at 0:55

First, running sudo su or sudo on boot is useless, as you are already running as root. Only if you want to run as a different user you should use the su - user -c "command". You may doing this to setup the login root ENVIRONMENT, but then the command is su - -c "command"

As for running the command, use

nohup /home/pi/code/./main 12345 & 

The app is probably trying to grab a tty and in the rc.local you have none. nohup might solve it.

If still don't work, try this one (you may need to install screen: apt-get install screen ):

screen -d -m /home/pi/code/./main 12345

screen will emulate a full terminal and run it i background. You can see it later with screen -x as the same user as the main process (root in this case).

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