I have an SD card Module and can access connect two SD cards to my raspberry pi, however i would like to be write an image in the other card connected to the SD Card Module
I have an SD card Module and can access connect two SD cards to my raspberry pi, however i would like to be write an image in the other card connected to the SD Card Module
You'll need to identify the device node representing the card. Understanding the difference between a block device, a device partition, and a filesystem is probably a good thing at this point. The device node is not a mount point. If there are no other storage devices attached to the Pi, it will probably be /dev/sda
. Note for emphasis in case you did not read that link: not /dev/sda1
Then if the image is raspberrypi.img
sudo dd if=raspberrypi.img of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress
That will take a few minutes.
because Etcher verifies after flashing.
cmp raspberrypi.img /dev/sda
should do it -- not sure if it will "fail" at the end of the image if reading /dev/sda
does not end with EOF, but probably not and if so that is not a real problem: unix.stackexchange.com/q/29921/25985