i should mention I'm a linux newb. I only use dumb redhat servers at work (barely) but hate windows so much i've got a chromebox and ras pi 4 to try to free myself. and my apps.
i've found that almost ALL usb3=>hdmi devices use special chips by Plugable/DisplayLink that are mostly windows only.
I've found mentions of getting a ras pi 3 working with a usb2.0 displaylink device. But that the only linux drivers are for usb2.0 devices and Ubuntu and you have to jump through hoops to make them work: https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/683482-displaylink-support-for-ubuntu-now-available
I do have a usb 2.0 displaylink device: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004D0QC0A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I've followed this: https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/1883065-using-arm-binaries-on-raspbian-on-raspberry-pi (picking "fake kms" because the std ras pi 4 distrib has no "real") But no luck - xrandr lists nothing extra with -v --listproviders (well, one provider is listed, but no source can be picked - tried 0, 1, 2 - and it's either out of range or can't be selected)
BUT my Chromebox can use my bigger Plugable - no problem at all https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ECDM78E/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
asus chromebox 7265 NGW cpu=Intel core i3-7100u; disk=32gb; ram=8gb ports=usbc, usb3x3, usb2x2, hdmi, microsd, enet, 3.5mm, power cpu=x86-64; kernel=5.4.58; os=ChromeOS; VM=Termina; lxc-container=Debian 10 buster (penguin)
by the way, my ras pi 4 can find the network port, usb drives, midi devices on it. But not the displays.
Are there ANY usb3->hdmi devices that aren't DisplayLink ?? (that could work on linux)
Is there any hope of a non chromeos linux being able to use DisplayLink some day?
Has anyone gotten a usb2.0 -> hdmi device (of any kind) to work on linux?
Any ideas on how the heck chromeos is able to use DisplayLink devices ??
thanks for any help :)