I'm running a Pi4 with a 32Gb SanDisk Extreme SD card and essentially just AdBlock. The board is powered by the official USB-C plug and has a passive cooling case around.
Since last week my system kept crashing. I finally managed to capture the logs:
Jul 5 12:54:03 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3227.388458] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 534240 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x103000 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
Jul 5 12:54:03 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3227.388484] Buffer I/O error on dev mmcblk0p2, logical block 220, lost async page write
Jul 5 12:54:03 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3227.388748] mmc0: card aaaa removed
I checked the SD card and there was some white stuff around the SD card pins. Once I removed that carefully, I realized the pins look kind of melted.
I guess there's not much I can do without soldering equipment, except try warranty? We had a heat wave, so I expect the average room temperature plus load caused this, but it's still puzzling to me how.
Can this be fixed / is it worth it to try to fix myself, or should I see if the manufacturer will replace it under warranty?
Note: There's no humidity or water nearby. It was just really hot the last few days. The device isn't 3 months old. If it is corrosion though, can I fix it somehow?