I'm very new into rpi & sensors. I'd like to connect an BME280 I2C Temperature and Pressure Sensor
and a Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor - I2C Capacitive Moisture Sensor
to my rpi. In the tutorials I see that both require:
Pi 3V3 to sensor VIN
Pi GND to sensor GND
Pi SCL to sensor SCL
Pi SDA to sensor SDA
Now the rpi has 2x 3V3 and 2x GND to use for both sensors, although only 1x SCL and 1x SDA. I'm pretty sure its somehow possible to connect multiple I2C devices, but I couldn't figure out how yet.
Can I just connect both sensor to the single SCL & SDA pins with a cable?
Or do I need a I2C expansion? If so, how is something like this called and can my sensors connected to the expansion simply be detected using the sudo i2cdetect -y 1