As part of my project, I'd like to send an image to a phone number.

I understand I can achieve this quite easily with e-mail, but I'd like to pursue the MMS route first. I've looked around online but can't find any useful information.

Has anyone done this? The MMS's will be sent to a UK number if that has any bearing on my choices.


1 Answer 1


You can use a service that is connected to the GSM network. You use a simple API to send SMS messages or attach MMS images. The rates are fair.

I use TextLocal in UK and you can send messages to the world. There are allot of other service providers available too.

Simple PHP to send a text message

    // Textlocal account details
$username = urlencode('[email protected]');
    // Get this when logged in at https://control.txtlocal.co.uk/docs/
$hash = urlencode('Your API hash');
    // Message details
$numbers = urlencode(447123456789,447987654321);
$sender = urlencode('Textlocal');
$message = urlencode('This is your message');

    // Prepare data for POST request
$data = 'username=' . $username . '&hash=' . $hash
     . '&numbers=' . $numbers . "&sender=" . $sender . "&message=" . $message;
    // Send the GET request with cURL
$ch = curl_init('https://api.txtlocal.com/send/?' . $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
    // Process your response here
echo $response;
  • 2
    You could also use SMS Pi if you are in the UK. smspi.co.uk which, unlike TextLocal in UK, it is free.
    – JVarhol
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 19:49
  • Freeeee? How is this possible?
    – Piotr Kula
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 19:51
  • I don't know, maybe it's black magic! :D
    – JVarhol
    Commented Feb 2, 2014 at 19:52
  • Nah its just for playing around and funded by donations. You cant really send SMS without being connected to the GSM network and definitely not for free.
    – Piotr Kula
    Commented Feb 3, 2014 at 10:06
  • I run smspi and am happy to give free accounts for any raspberry pi projects. The site breaks even so I can afford to give free accounts. Twitter: @smspiuk Email: [email protected]
    – txt3rob
    Commented Sep 6, 2015 at 7:16

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