Is it possible to communicate with the Raspberry Pi over USB?

Basically is it possible to write a device driver on my x86 PC running Linux, and also tweak the OS running on the RPi so that a communication channel is established? This should enable say a small terminal to be run remotely on the Rpi from the PC over USB. I am aware that the same can of course be done over Ethernet, but I'm curious as to why a similar application over USB does not exist.

  • How about serial communication? I don't know of any methods to connect two computers directly using only the USB standard
    – Jervelund
    Commented Feb 23, 2014 at 17:53
  • 1
    "I'm curious as to why a similar application over USB does not exist." You'll probably find this is because other methods are much easier, eg Ethernet or serial (RS-232/422 through GPIO).
    – deed02392
    Commented Feb 24, 2014 at 12:08

2 Answers 2


You may want to use the usbnet driver (usbnet homepage) which allow you to map USB port as they were Ethernet port. Then you can route traffic through your USB port and therefore ssh your RPi by the mean of a regular USB cable.


You can do it with an FTDI cable like this one from Adafruit.

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