I have the situation:
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W setup with WIFI connection but no keyboard attached as no micro USB hub avaiable
- I can SSH into my Raspberry PI Zero from another machine
- I have a bluetooth keyboard, a logitec Keys to Go, that I want to pair with my Raspberry Pi Zero
I SSHed into my Raspberry Pi and tried pairing via bluetoothctl
zero@zero:~ $ bluetoothctl scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:48:2D:0F Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D F4-73-35-99-46-2D
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D Name: Keys-To-Go
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D Alias: Keys-To-Go
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D LegacyPairing: yes
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D RSSI: -76
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D RSSI: -65
^Czero@zero:~ $ bluetoothctl pair F4:73:35:99:46:2D
Attempting to pair with F4:73:35:99:46:2D
[CHG] Device F4:73:35:99:46:2D Connected: yes
Yet it fails with the error:
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
I know that my keyboard required the input of passkey, a number, that would normally be displayed on the device that one tries to pair it with, yet no such number is shown.