I'm looking to build a system for multiroom audio streaming from Spotify. I've found a bunch of options, but most of them are ready-made, plug-and-go system images (like e.g. Balena sound, Max2Play...), which may or may not allow running other standard Linux apps&services on them. Because I do want the main server to do just that, I chose a solution that you can install under Raspberry Pi OS, with Snapcast + Mopidy on my RPi4. Now I've figured out that the Mopidy service is not discovered in the Spotify app over Spotify Connect, so I'm considering replacing Mopidy with Spotifyd or Librespot. Now I would replicate that setup on my second RPi (model 3B), but I heard that Raspberry Pi OS Lite doesn't do bluetooth audio - but I'd have a bluetooth speaker as audio sink on that one... Someone told my they'd tried that for a long time and it's just not happening.
My question:
- Which OS will:
A. let me run Snapcast with Librespot or Spotifyd and
B. reliably output the audio over bluetooth?
It'd also have to work in a way that the bluetooth connection is automatically established at boot... Alternative suggestions to my current server are also welcome - thanks!