I have tried everything, from nmap to AngryIP scanner to PiFinder and i cannot find the IP address. How could I go about this using a complete and total headless method - because on top of it all the HDMI to HDMI cable that I'm using doesn't work to display anything, and I can't use my MacBook as a display until I get the IP address in order to use Screen Sharing. Below is my last attempt. I need help I am really struggling. And I am a beginner to RPi stuff.
$ ping raspberrypi.local ping: cannot resolve raspberrypi.local: Unknown host
will only work if you have a zeroconf service on the Pi (I usenetatalk
)sudo nmap -sP | awk '/^Nmap/{ip=$NF}/B8:27:EB/{print ip}'
which I took from raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/26105/36970 assuming that your network address are of the form 192.168.0.x, tweak that part if they are not and you have the commands available on the Mac (they are on most Linuxes)