I've got a DS18B20 Temperature Probe connected to my Pi but it can't seem to detect it.
I run:
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm
and then go to cd /sys/bus/w1/devices
and do ls
and it shows the file as empty.
I know its not a problem with the sensor wiring or anything physical as I have 2 sensors and 2 Pi's and both sensors work fine on one of the Pi's. Also I note that there isn't a w1_bus_master1
listed which there should be even with no sensor connected.
The problem seems to have been since I reinstalled Wheezy on the Pi (due to issues in other stuff I was doing) as before that, it worked fine so I feel like i've simply missed some download/upgrade I need for it to work that i did originally and have now forgotten. I've run plenty of apt-get updates and upgrades but have had no luck.
Anyone have any ideas?