I'm having the following issues with my amp on the Raspberry Pi 2, Model B.
- Boot up the Pi, everything sounds great.
- Play a sound byte through the Pi (using ALSA)
- Speakers hiss regardless of PCM being "muted" (using alsamixesr) or having a any kind of volume.
I have set disable_audio_dither=1 in the /boot/config.txt, however it doesn't fix this issue.
I tested to make sure it was enabled by running:
# vcgencmd get_config disable_audio_dither
What could be happening from when I bootup to when I play the first bit of sound and how can I stop the hiss after the first play again?
My question differs from the question asked here How to get better Audio quality from audio jack output, because this question talks about issues with popping noises between songs. My issue is that after any audio is played on the Pi whatsoever there is henceforth a hissing sound from the speakers until the Pi is restarted. I have having no popping sounds whatsoever and using a USB card has not fixed this issue for me.
Edit 2
Tried using a Tendak HDMI to VGA for the sound (http://www.amazon.com/Tendak-Converter-Adapter-Projector-Blu-ray/dp/B00SKP88VA/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1450364986&sr=8-10&keywords=tendak+hdmi) thinking that we'd have more like that way, but the issue still persists.