I would like to make this as userfriendly as possible, so my MONO application is going to be a fullscreen application that runs automatically when the OS and startx is done loading.
How do I run a MONO.exe on startup?
I would like to make this as userfriendly as possible, so my MONO application is going to be a fullscreen application that runs automatically when the OS and startx is done loading.
How do I run a MONO.exe on startup?
Also you can add a line to ~/.xinitrc
mono programName parameters_if_any
this will get executed eacht time startx is called.
I believe I have found the correct answer now.
You can use something called "mono-service" to run programs in the background or you can place the program in the boot scripts.
All you need is to call the program with either mono-service [program path and name] or mono [program path and name]
You can use "mono-service" to run programs in the background.
You can run your compiled code like so:
mono-service /home/pi/Desktop/StartBrowser.exe
By default, this creates a lockfile in /tmp. You can change this by using the -l: option. In this way your service is running in the background