I've seen a lot online for a solution to make raspberry Pi 3 into a wireless bridge. But many are old articles to suit the Pi 1 and 2.
This is the last article I have seen, and tried: http://blog.slor.net/2013/09/turning-your-raspberri-pi-into-wireless.html
I use RASPBIAN JESSIE, Kernel version: 4.4.
I want the Pi to connect to a wireless router with the built-in wireless device (wlan0) to provide access to device(s)that are connected to the built-in Ethernet connector (eth0).
I want the router ( to provide IP's to devices connected to RPi3, making it possible for the PC to communicate with devices connected to RPi3.
The problem is when I try to follow the article linked above is that when I run this command:
sudo brctl addif br0 wlan0 eth0
I get this error message:
can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported...
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?
before that?brctl addbr br0