I have a headlight connected to my rpi with dmx cable and a RS422 / RS485 Serial HAT shield (https://www.hwhardsoft.de/english/projects/rs485-shield/). According to the instructions it should be using the serial port over UART PL011. I have a Rpi 2 running raspbian. I don't manage to open this port in python and send commands to it. For example
ser = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0",9600)
does not work. With this I mean I have serial installed, the code runs, my light is listening (showing A001), but nothing happening to the light. I also found out about pySimpleDMX (https://github.com/c0z3n/pySimpleDMX) but then using
import pysimpledmx
mydmx = pysimpledmx.DMXConnection("/dev/serial0")
mydmx.setChannel(1, 255) # set DMX channel 1 to full
mydmx.render() render
Does not do anything and the connection with the dmx light is dropped. This board is meant for this kind of communication so I am sure it should be able to work, but I don't know how to do that. Many thanks for any advice